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Gaming and social networking are at the forefront of next generation entertainment systems where novel usage scenarios are pushing technological boundaries. These advances have certainly provided a platform for innovation, where a natural progression would be to bridge the gap between the aforementioned technologies.
Teachers in further education are moving toward an enhanced professionalism, a ‘parity of esteem’ with schoolteachers (DfES, 2004) and, what sometimes appears to be, a more stringently directed curriculum. Institutes of further education, like all other businesses, have a responsibility to meet objectives to ensure survival; within this achievement and goal orientated learning environment the educator must be willing to provide a service to customers (the students) and teachers ...
Read More...11 Jul 2023
The Institute of Business and Management Sciences at The University of Agriculture Peshawar hosted the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Business Management (ICETSBM-23) from November 15th to 17th, 2023. The conference brought together global scholars and industry experts to discuss innovative approaches to sustainable business practices. Keynote speeches, parallel sessions, and a panel discussion highlighted the significance of integrating sustainability into business strategies. The event concluded with participants expressing enthusiasm for future editions and the publication of conference proceedings.
22 May 2023
International Conference on CPEC: Sustainable Tourism Development for Women Empowerment in Pakistan (CSTD4WEP 2023) to be Held in September
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