International Women Conference on Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Uniting Women’s Voices for a Better World:  (IWC 2023) offers a forum for academics, researchers, scientists, practitioners, and industry professionals to discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of women's empowerment, and explore the issues, trends, and innovations in the domain. IWC 2023 aims to provide the participants with a unique networking opportunity, and a platform for imparting knowledge and sharing contemporary research. Besides accepting author contributions on the core topics of women's empowerment in Education, we are particularly interested in manuscripts employing interdisciplinary approaches originating from the domains such as physical sciences, social sciences and humanities, and life sciences. The following distinguished keynote speakers have been invited to the IWC 2023.   

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Farhana Khurshid

Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Aisha U-Kiu, Esq

Vice President and Legal Practice Director at Robert Half. USA

Dr. Nasir Jamal Khattak

Vice Chancellor, University of Swabi, Pakistan

Dr. Sheeza Mohsin 

Relationship Coach and Marriage & Family Therapist, USA

Dr Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi

University of Peshawar, Pakistan


Mrs. Zainab Qasir Khan 

Head Of Sub Office

UN Women - KPK

Dr. Sheeza Mohsin 

Relationship Coach and Marriage & Family Therapist, USA


Pakistan Administrative Service (BPS-20)

Mrs: Naheed Shah Afridi

Vice President at Habib Metropolitan Bank (Subsidiary of AG Zurich)

Mr. Sartaj Ahmad Khan

Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry

Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam

University of Peshawar

Proceedings & Publications

Accepted and presented papers of IWC 2023 will be published in the conference proceedings on Global Digital Library which is a global portal dedicated for publishing high-quality scholarly content on a wide range of subjects. Global Digital Library is indexed in Google Scholar and can be accessed at ww.globaldigitallibary.com. Updated versions of selected best-quality papers will be considered for publication in various journals. The list of journals is as follows.

Review Process & Paper Submission

The papers submitted to the IWC 2023 must be unpublished work not under consideration elsewhere. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers or technical programme committee members. The maximum length for a paper is 8 pages formatted using IOARP Paper Template. Submissions not in conformance with the IOARP Paper Template will not be considered for review. Authors will be able to submit their papers using IES - IOARP Editorial System for which they will be required to create an IES Author Account. For further details on the submission process and to download the IOARP Paper Template please visit the Author Instructions section of this website.

Call for TPC Chairs, TPC Members, Reviewers, and Session Chairs

SchoRes endeavours to formulate a great team of researchers that helps us deliver on our promise of selecting the highest standard author contributions for presentation and publication in our conferences. We offer a wide range of conferences in various subject areas providing researchers with an opportunity to support us at a conference most suitable to their area of expertise. If you are interested in the role of a TPC Chair, Technical Programme Committee Member, Reviewer, or Session Chair in any of our conferences, please contact us at info@schores.org. Your services will be utilized for the current and all future IWC 2023 conferences.

Important Dates*

Paper Submission Deadline31 October  2023
Acceptance Notification
10 November 2023
Camera Ready Paper Due
17 November 2023
Registration Deadline
22 November 2023
Conference Dates
04 & 05th December 2023

*Midnight PST

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Gold Sponsors

The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry Pakistan 

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan


Scholarly Research Publishing, Pakistan www.schores.org


Peshawar Serena Hotel

iWC 2023